For a single root command with a Run method, the help output still contains 'help [command]' as a subcommand (because Help is always added). Since the only subcommand would be 'help', the help is better off omitted. This change allows a command to be used both as a subcommand or a root command without having to define a custom help that elides the help command when no subcommands are added. Instead, the default help command is only added when subcommands are present.
554 lines
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554 lines
14 KiB
package cobra
import (
var _ = fmt.Println
var tp, te, tt, t1 []string
var flagb1, flagb2, flagb3, flagbr bool
var flags1, flags2, flags3 string
var flagi1, flagi2, flagi3, flagir int
var globalFlag1 bool
var flagEcho, rootcalled bool
var cmdPrint = &Command{
Use: "print [string to print]",
Short: "Print anything to the screen",
Long: `an utterly useless command for testing.`,
Run: func(cmd *Command, args []string) {
tp = args
var cmdEcho = &Command{
Use: "echo [string to echo]",
Aliases: []string{"say"},
Short: "Echo anything to the screen",
Long: `an utterly useless command for testing.`,
Run: func(cmd *Command, args []string) {
te = args
var cmdTimes = &Command{
Use: "times [# times] [string to echo]",
Short: "Echo anything to the screen more times",
Long: `an slightly useless command for testing.`,
Run: func(cmd *Command, args []string) {
tt = args
var cmdRootNoRun = &Command{
Use: "cobra-test",
Short: "The root can run it's own function",
Long: "The root description for help",
var cmdRootSameName = &Command{
Use: "print",
Short: "Root with the same name as a subcommand",
Long: "The root description for help",
var cmdRootWithRun = &Command{
Use: "cobra-test",
Short: "The root can run it's own function",
Long: "The root description for help",
Run: func(cmd *Command, args []string) {
rootcalled = true
func flagInit() {
cmdEcho.Flags().IntVarP(&flagi1, "intone", "i", 123, "help message for flag intone")
cmdTimes.Flags().IntVarP(&flagi2, "inttwo", "j", 234, "help message for flag inttwo")
cmdPrint.Flags().IntVarP(&flagi3, "intthree", "i", 345, "help message for flag intthree")
cmdEcho.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&flags1, "strone", "s", "one", "help message for flag strone")
cmdTimes.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&flags2, "strtwo", "t", "two", "help message for flag strtwo")
cmdPrint.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&flags3, "strthree", "s", "three", "help message for flag strthree")
cmdEcho.Flags().BoolVarP(&flagb1, "boolone", "b", true, "help message for flag boolone")
cmdTimes.Flags().BoolVarP(&flagb2, "booltwo", "c", false, "help message for flag booltwo")
cmdPrint.Flags().BoolVarP(&flagb3, "boolthree", "b", true, "help message for flag boolthree")
func commandInit() {
func initialize() *Command {
tt, tp, te = nil, nil, nil
var c = cmdRootNoRun
return c
func initializeWithSameName() *Command {
tt, tp, te = nil, nil, nil
var c = cmdRootSameName
return c
func initializeWithRootCmd() *Command {
tt, tp, te, rootcalled = nil, nil, nil, false
cmdRootWithRun.Flags().BoolVarP(&flagbr, "boolroot", "b", false, "help message for flag boolroot")
cmdRootWithRun.Flags().IntVarP(&flagir, "introot", "i", 321, "help message for flag introot")
return cmdRootWithRun
type resulter struct {
Error error
Output string
Command *Command
func fullSetupTest(input string) resulter {
c := initializeWithRootCmd()
return fullTester(c, input)
func noRRSetupTest(input string) resulter {
c := initialize()
return fullTester(c, input)
func rootOnlySetupTest(input string) resulter {
c := initializeWithRootCmd()
return simpleTester(c, input)
func simpleTester(c *Command, input string) resulter {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
// Testing flag with invalid input
c.SetArgs(strings.Split(input, " "))
err := c.Execute()
output := buf.String()
return resulter{err, output, c}
func fullTester(c *Command, input string) resulter {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
// Testing flag with invalid input
c.AddCommand(cmdPrint, cmdEcho)
c.SetArgs(strings.Split(input, " "))
err := c.Execute()
output := buf.String()
return resulter{err, output, c}
func checkResultContains(t *testing.T, x resulter, check string) {
if !strings.Contains(x.Output, check) {
t.Errorf("Unexpected response.\nExpecting to contain: \n %q\nGot:\n %q\n", check, x.Output)
func checkResultOmits(t *testing.T, x resulter, check string) {
if strings.Contains(x.Output, check) {
t.Errorf("Unexpected response.\nExpecting to omit: \n %q\nGot:\n %q\n", check, x.Output)
func checkOutputContains(t *testing.T, c *Command, check string) {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
if !strings.Contains(buf.String(), check) {
t.Errorf("Unexpected response.\nExpecting to contain: \n %q\nGot:\n %q\n", check, buf.String())
func TestSingleCommand(t *testing.T) {
noRRSetupTest("print one two")
if te != nil || tt != nil {
t.Error("Wrong command called")
if tp == nil {
t.Error("Wrong command called")
if strings.Join(tp, " ") != "one two" {
t.Error("Command didn't parse correctly")
func TestChildCommand(t *testing.T) {
noRRSetupTest("echo times one two")
if te != nil || tp != nil {
t.Error("Wrong command called")
if tt == nil {
t.Error("Wrong command called")
if strings.Join(tt, " ") != "one two" {
t.Error("Command didn't parse correctly")
func TestCommandAlias(t *testing.T) {
noRRSetupTest("say times one two")
if te != nil || tp != nil {
t.Error("Wrong command called")
if tt == nil {
t.Error("Wrong command called")
if strings.Join(tt, " ") != "one two" {
t.Error("Command didn't parse correctly")
func TestPrefixMatching(t *testing.T) {
EnablePrefixMatching = true
noRRSetupTest("ech times one two")
if te != nil || tp != nil {
t.Error("Wrong command called")
if tt == nil {
t.Error("Wrong command called")
if strings.Join(tt, " ") != "one two" {
t.Error("Command didn't parse correctly")
EnablePrefixMatching = false
func TestNoPrefixMatching(t *testing.T) {
EnablePrefixMatching = false
noRRSetupTest("ech times one two")
if !(tt == nil && te == nil && tp == nil) {
t.Error("Wrong command called")
func TestAliasPrefixMatching(t *testing.T) {
EnablePrefixMatching = true
noRRSetupTest("sa times one two")
if te != nil || tp != nil {
t.Error("Wrong command called")
if tt == nil {
t.Error("Wrong command called")
if strings.Join(tt, " ") != "one two" {
t.Error("Command didn't parse correctly")
EnablePrefixMatching = false
func TestChildSameName(t *testing.T) {
c := initializeWithSameName()
c.AddCommand(cmdPrint, cmdEcho)
c.SetArgs(strings.Split("print one two", " "))
if te != nil || tt != nil {
t.Error("Wrong command called")
if tp == nil {
t.Error("Wrong command called")
if strings.Join(tp, " ") != "one two" {
t.Error("Command didn't parse correctly")
func TestFlagLong(t *testing.T) {
noRRSetupTest("echo --intone=13 something here")
if strings.Join(te, " ") != "something here" {
t.Errorf("flags didn't leave proper args remaining..%s given", te)
if flagi1 != 13 {
t.Errorf("int flag didn't get correct value, had %d", flagi1)
if flagi2 != 234 {
t.Errorf("default flag value changed, 234 expected, %d given", flagi2)
func TestFlagShort(t *testing.T) {
noRRSetupTest("echo -i13 something here")
if strings.Join(te, " ") != "something here" {
t.Errorf("flags didn't leave proper args remaining..%s given", te)
if flagi1 != 13 {
t.Errorf("int flag didn't get correct value, had %d", flagi1)
if flagi2 != 234 {
t.Errorf("default flag value changed, 234 expected, %d given", flagi2)
noRRSetupTest("echo -i 13 something here")
if strings.Join(te, " ") != "something here" {
t.Errorf("flags didn't leave proper args remaining..%s given", te)
if flagi1 != 13 {
t.Errorf("int flag didn't get correct value, had %d", flagi1)
if flagi2 != 234 {
t.Errorf("default flag value changed, 234 expected, %d given", flagi2)
noRRSetupTest("print -i99 one two")
if strings.Join(tp, " ") != "one two" {
t.Errorf("flags didn't leave proper args remaining..%s given", tp)
if flagi3 != 99 {
t.Errorf("int flag didn't get correct value, had %d", flagi3)
if flagi1 != 123 {
t.Errorf("default flag value changed on different command with same shortname, 234 expected, %d given", flagi2)
func TestChildCommandFlags(t *testing.T) {
noRRSetupTest("echo times -j 99 one two")
if strings.Join(tt, " ") != "one two" {
t.Errorf("flags didn't leave proper args remaining..%s given", tt)
// Testing with flag that shouldn't be persistent
r := noRRSetupTest("echo times -j 99 -i77 one two")
if r.Error == nil {
t.Errorf("invalid flag should generate error")
if !strings.Contains(r.Output, "unknown shorthand") {
t.Errorf("Wrong error message displayed, \n %s", r.Output)
if flagi2 != 99 {
t.Errorf("flag value should be 99, %d given", flagi2)
if flagi1 != 123 {
t.Errorf("unset flag should have default value, expecting 123, given %d", flagi1)
// Testing with flag only existing on child
r = noRRSetupTest("echo -j 99 -i77 one two")
if r.Error == nil {
t.Errorf("invalid flag should generate error")
if !strings.Contains(r.Output, "intone=123") {
t.Errorf("Wrong error message displayed, \n %s", r.Output)
// Testing flag with invalid input
r = noRRSetupTest("echo -i10E")
if r.Error == nil {
t.Errorf("invalid input should generate error")
if !strings.Contains(r.Output, "invalid argument \"10E\" for -i10E") {
t.Errorf("Wrong error message displayed, \n %s", r.Output)
func TestTrailingCommandFlags(t *testing.T) {
x := fullSetupTest("echo two -x")
if x.Error == nil {
t.Errorf("invalid flag should generate error")
func TestPersistentFlags(t *testing.T) {
fullSetupTest("echo -s something more here")
// persistentFlag should act like normal flag on it's own command
if strings.Join(te, " ") != "more here" {
t.Errorf("flags didn't leave proper args remaining..%s given", te)
// persistentFlag should act like normal flag on it's own command
if flags1 != "something" {
t.Errorf("string flag didn't get correct value, had %v", flags1)
fullSetupTest("echo times -s again -c test here")
if strings.Join(tt, " ") != "test here" {
t.Errorf("flags didn't leave proper args remaining..%s given", tt)
if flags1 != "again" {
t.Errorf("string flag didn't get correct value, had %v", flags1)
if flagb2 != true {
t.Errorf("local flag not parsed correctly. Expected false, had %v", flagb2)
func TestHelpCommand(t *testing.T) {
c := fullSetupTest("help echo")
checkResultContains(t, c, cmdEcho.Long)
r := fullSetupTest("help echo times")
checkResultContains(t, r, cmdTimes.Long)
func TestRunnableRootCommand(t *testing.T) {
if rootcalled != true {
t.Errorf("Root Function was not called")
func TestRootFlags(t *testing.T) {
fullSetupTest("-i 17 -b")
if flagbr != true {
t.Errorf("flag value should be true, %v given", flagbr)
if flagir != 17 {
t.Errorf("flag value should be 17, %d given", flagir)
func TestRootHelp(t *testing.T) {
x := fullSetupTest("--help")
checkResultContains(t, x, "Available Commands:")
checkResultContains(t, x, "for more information about that command")
if strings.Contains(x.Output, "unknown flag: --help") {
t.Errorf("--help shouldn't trigger an error, Got: \n %s", x.Output)
x = fullSetupTest("echo --help")
checkResultContains(t, x, "Available Commands:")
checkResultContains(t, x, "for more information about that command")
if strings.Contains(x.Output, "unknown flag: --help") {
t.Errorf("--help shouldn't trigger an error, Got: \n %s", x.Output)
func TestRootNoCommandHelp(t *testing.T) {
x := rootOnlySetupTest("--help")
checkResultOmits(t, x, "Available Commands:")
checkResultOmits(t, x, "for more information about that command")
if strings.Contains(x.Output, "unknown flag: --help") {
t.Errorf("--help shouldn't trigger an error, Got: \n %s", x.Output)
x = rootOnlySetupTest("echo --help")
checkResultOmits(t, x, "Available Commands:")
checkResultOmits(t, x, "for more information about that command")
if strings.Contains(x.Output, "unknown flag: --help") {
t.Errorf("--help shouldn't trigger an error, Got: \n %s", x.Output)
func TestFlagsBeforeCommand(t *testing.T) {
// short without space
x := fullSetupTest("-i10 echo")
if x.Error != nil {
t.Errorf("Valid Input shouldn't have errors, got:\n %q", x.Error)
// short (int) with equals
// It appears that pflags doesn't support this...
// Commenting out until support can be added
//x = noRRSetupTest("echo -i=10")
//if x.Error != nil {
//t.Errorf("Valid Input shouldn't have errors, got:\n %s", x.Error)
// long with equals
x = noRRSetupTest("--intone=123 echo one two")
if x.Error != nil {
t.Errorf("Valid Input shouldn't have errors, got:\n %s", x.Error)
// With parsing error properly reported
x = fullSetupTest("-i10E echo")
if !strings.Contains(x.Output, "invalid argument \"10E\" for -i10E") {
t.Errorf("Wrong error message displayed, \n %s", x.Output)
//With quotes
x = fullSetupTest("-s=\"walking\" echo")
if x.Error != nil {
t.Errorf("Valid Input shouldn't have errors, got:\n %q", x.Error)
//With quotes and space
x = fullSetupTest("-s=\"walking fast\" echo")
if x.Error != nil {
t.Errorf("Valid Input shouldn't have errors, got:\n %q", x.Error)
//With inner quote
x = fullSetupTest("-s=\"walking \\\"Inner Quote\\\" fast\" echo")
if x.Error != nil {
t.Errorf("Valid Input shouldn't have errors, got:\n %q", x.Error)
//With quotes and space
x = fullSetupTest("-s=\"walking \\\"Inner Quote\\\" fast\" echo")
if x.Error != nil {
t.Errorf("Valid Input shouldn't have errors, got:\n %q", x.Error)