Haim Ashkenazi 7e2436b79d First try at better zsh completions:
A very basic POC. Need to refactor to generate completion
structure before passing to the template to avoid repeated

What works:
  * Real zsh completion (not built on bash)
  * Basic flags (with long flag and optional shorthand)
  * Basic filename completion indication (not with file extensions though)

What's missing:
  * File extensions to filename completions
  * Positional args
  * Do we require handling only short flags?
2019-06-07 10:09:50 -04:00

57 lines
1.4 KiB

{{define "complexFlag"}}{{ /* for pflag.Flag with short and long options */ -}}
"(-{{.Shorthand}} --{{.Name}})"\{-{{.Shorthand}}, --{{.Name}}\}[{{.Usage}}]
{{- end}}
{{define "simpleFlag"}}{{ /* for pflag.Flag with either short or long options */ -}}
"{{with .Name}}-{{.}}{{else}}--{{.Shorthand}}{{end}}[{{.Usage}}]"
{{- end}}
{{define "argumentsC"}}
{{- /* should accept Command (that contains subcommands) as parameter */ -}}
function {{constructPath .}} {
local line
_arguments -C \
{{range extractFlags . -}}
{{if simpleFlag .}}{{template "simpleFlag" .}}{{else}}{{template "complexFlag" .}}{{end}} \
{{end -}}
"1: :({{subCmdList .}})" \
case $line[1] in
{{range .Commands -}}
{{constructPath .}}
{{end -}}
{{range .Commands -}}
{{template "selectCmdTemplate" .}}
{{end -}}
{{define "arguments"}}
function {{constructPath .}} {
{{- /* should accept Command without subcommands as parameter */ -}}
{{with extractFlags . -}}
_arguments \
{{range .}}
{{if simpleFlag .}}{{template "simpleFlag" .}}{{else}}{{template "complexFlag" .}}{{end}} \
{{end -}}
{{ /* leave this line empty because of the last backslash */ }}
{{end -}}
{{define "selectCmdTemplate" -}}
{{with .Commands}}{{template "argumentsC" .}}{{else}}{{template "arguments" .}}{{end}}
{{end -}}
{{define "Main"}}
#compdef _{{.Use}} {{.Use}}
{{template "selectCmdTemplate" .}}