package main import ( "fmt" "runtime" "" ) func main() { ConfigRuntime() StartWorkers() StartGin() } // ConfigRuntime sets the number of operating system threads. func ConfigRuntime() { nuCPU := runtime.NumCPU() runtime.GOMAXPROCS(nuCPU) fmt.Printf("Running with %d CPUs\n", nuCPU) } // StartWorkers start starsWorker by goroutine. func StartWorkers() { go statsWorker() } // StartGin starts gin web server with setting router. func StartGin() { gin.SetMode(gin.ReleaseMode) router := gin.New() router.Use(rateLimit, gin.Recovery()) router.LoadHTMLGlob("resources/*.templ.html") router.Static("/static", "resources/static") router.GET("/", index) router.GET("/room/:roomid", roomGET) router.POST("/room-post/:roomid", roomPOST) router.GET("/stream/:roomid", streamRoom) router.Run(":80") }