Remco e4f6e053d0 Fixed issue allowing to spoof ClientIP()
The X-Forwared-For can be used to spoof the real client ip. The middleware
introduced in this patch (which should only be used when having servers
in front of this servers) will filter all defined proxies (or local ip
addresses by default) and replace the RemoteAddr with the real client
2014-12-21 13:42:48 +01:00

435 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright 2014 Manu Martinez-Almeida. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package gin
import (
const (
ErrorTypeInternal = 1 << iota
ErrorTypeExternal = 1 << iota
ErrorTypeAll = 0xffffffff
// Used internally to collect errors that occurred during an http request.
type errorMsg struct {
Err string `json:"error"`
Type uint32 `json:"-"`
Meta interface{} `json:"meta"`
type errorMsgs []errorMsg
func (a errorMsgs) ByType(typ uint32) errorMsgs {
if len(a) == 0 {
return a
result := make(errorMsgs, 0, len(a))
for _, msg := range a {
if msg.Type&typ > 0 {
result = append(result, msg)
return result
func (a errorMsgs) String() string {
if len(a) == 0 {
return ""
var buffer bytes.Buffer
for i, msg := range a {
text := fmt.Sprintf("Error #%02d: %s \n Meta: %v\n", (i + 1), msg.Err, msg.Meta)
return buffer.String()
// Context is the most important part of gin. It allows us to pass variables between middleware,
// manage the flow, validate the JSON of a request and render a JSON response for example.
type Context struct {
writermem responseWriter
Request *http.Request
Writer ResponseWriter
Keys map[string]interface{}
Errors errorMsgs
Params httprouter.Params
Engine *Engine
handlers []HandlerFunc
index int8
accepted []string
/********** CONTEXT CREATION ********/
func (engine *Engine) createContext(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, params httprouter.Params, handlers []HandlerFunc) *Context {
c := engine.pool.Get().(*Context)
c.Request = req
c.Params = params
c.handlers = handlers
c.Keys = nil
c.index = -1
c.accepted = nil
c.Errors = c.Errors[0:0]
return c
func (engine *Engine) reuseContext(c *Context) {
func (c *Context) Copy() *Context {
var cp Context = *c
cp.index = AbortIndex
cp.handlers = nil
return &cp
/*************** FLOW ***************/
// Next should be used only in the middlewares.
// It executes the pending handlers in the chain inside the calling handler.
// See example in github.
func (c *Context) Next() {
s := int8(len(c.handlers))
for ; c.index < s; c.index++ {
// Forces the system to do not continue calling the pending handlers in the chain.
func (c *Context) Abort() {
c.index = AbortIndex
// Same than AbortWithStatus() but also writes the specified response status code.
// For example, the first handler checks if the request is authorized. If it's not, context.AbortWithStatus(401) should be called.
func (c *Context) AbortWithStatus(code int) {
/********* ERROR MANAGEMENT *********/
// Fail is the same as Abort plus an error message.
// Calling `context.Fail(500, err)` is equivalent to:
// ```
// context.Error("Operation aborted", err)
// context.AbortWithStatus(500)
// ```
func (c *Context) Fail(code int, err error) {
c.Error(err, "Operation aborted")
func (c *Context) ErrorTyped(err error, typ uint32, meta interface{}) {
c.Errors = append(c.Errors, errorMsg{
Err: err.Error(),
Type: typ,
Meta: meta,
// Attaches an error to the current context. The error is pushed to a list of errors.
// It's a good idea to call Error for each error that occurred during the resolution of a request.
// A middleware can be used to collect all the errors and push them to a database together, print a log, or append it in the HTTP response.
func (c *Context) Error(err error, meta interface{}) {
c.ErrorTyped(err, ErrorTypeExternal, meta)
func (c *Context) LastError() error {
nuErrors := len(c.Errors)
if nuErrors > 0 {
return errors.New(c.Errors[nuErrors-1].Err)
} else {
return nil
/******** METADATA MANAGEMENT********/
// Sets a new pair key/value just for the specified context.
// It also lazy initializes the hashmap.
func (c *Context) Set(key string, item interface{}) {
if c.Keys == nil {
c.Keys = make(map[string]interface{})
c.Keys[key] = item
// Get returns the value for the given key or an error if the key does not exist.
func (c *Context) Get(key string) (interface{}, error) {
if c.Keys != nil {
value, ok := c.Keys[key]
if ok {
return value, nil
return nil, errors.New("Key does not exist.")
// MustGet returns the value for the given key or panics if the value doesn't exist.
func (c *Context) MustGet(key string) interface{} {
value, err := c.Get(key)
if err != nil || value == nil {
log.Panicf("Key %s doesn't exist", value)
return value
func ipInMasks(ip net.IP, masks []interface{}) bool {
for _, proxy := range masks {
var mask *net.IPNet
var err error
switch t := proxy.(type) {
case string:
if _, mask, err = net.ParseCIDR(t); err != nil {
case net.IP:
mask = &net.IPNet{IP: t, Mask: net.CIDRMask(len(t)*8, len(t)*8)}
case net.IPNet:
mask = &t
if mask.Contains(ip) {
return true
return false
// the ForwardedFor middleware unwraps the X-Forwarded-For headers, be careful to only use this
// middleware if you've got servers in front of this server. The list with (known) proxies and
// local ips are being filtered out of the forwarded for list, giving the last not local ip being
// the real client ip.
func ForwardedFor(proxies ...interface{}) HandlerFunc {
if len(proxies) == 0 {
// default to local ips
var reservedLocalIps = []string{"", "", ""}
proxies = make([]interface{}, len(reservedLocalIps))
for i, v := range reservedLocalIps {
proxies[i] = v
return func(c *Context) {
// the X-Forwarded-For header contains an array with left most the client ip, then
// comma separated, all proxies the request passed. The last proxy appears
// as the remote address of the request. Returning the client
// ip to comply with default RemoteAddr response.
// check if remoteaddr is local ip or in list of defined proxies
remoteIp := net.ParseIP(strings.Split(c.Request.RemoteAddr, ":")[0])
if !ipInMasks(remoteIp, proxies) {
if forwardedFor := c.Request.Header.Get("X-Forwarded-For"); forwardedFor != "" {
parts := strings.Split(forwardedFor, ",")
for i := len(parts) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
part := parts[i]
ip := net.ParseIP(strings.TrimSpace(part))
if ipInMasks(ip, proxies) {
// returning remote addr conform the original remote addr format
c.Request.RemoteAddr = ip.String() + ":0"
// remove forwarded for address
c.Request.Header.Set("X-Forwarded-For", "")
func (c *Context) ClientIP() string {
return c.Request.RemoteAddr
/********* PARSING REQUEST **********/
// This function checks the Content-Type to select a binding engine automatically,
// Depending the "Content-Type" header different bindings are used:
// "application/json" --> JSON binding
// "application/xml" --> XML binding
// else --> returns an error
// if Parses the request's body as JSON if Content-Type == "application/json" using JSON or XML as a JSON input. It decodes the json payload into the struct specified as a pointer.Like ParseBody() but this method also writes a 400 error if the json is not valid.
func (c *Context) Bind(obj interface{}) bool {
var b binding.Binding
ctype := filterFlags(c.Request.Header.Get("Content-Type"))
switch {
case c.Request.Method == "GET" || ctype == MIMEPOSTForm:
b = binding.Form
case ctype == MIMEJSON:
b = binding.JSON
case ctype == MIMEXML || ctype == MIMEXML2:
b = binding.XML
c.Fail(400, errors.New("unknown content-type: "+ctype))
return false
return c.BindWith(obj, b)
func (c *Context) BindWith(obj interface{}, b binding.Binding) bool {
if err := b.Bind(c.Request, obj); err != nil {
c.Fail(400, err)
return false
return true
/******** RESPONSE RENDERING ********/
func (c *Context) Render(code int, render render.Render, obj ...interface{}) {
if err := render.Render(c.Writer, code, obj...); err != nil {
c.ErrorTyped(err, ErrorTypeInternal, obj)
// Serializes the given struct as JSON into the response body in a fast and efficient way.
// It also sets the Content-Type as "application/json".
func (c *Context) JSON(code int, obj interface{}) {
c.Render(code, render.JSON, obj)
// Serializes the given struct as XML into the response body in a fast and efficient way.
// It also sets the Content-Type as "application/xml".
func (c *Context) XML(code int, obj interface{}) {
c.Render(code, render.XML, obj)
// Renders the HTTP template specified by its file name.
// It also updates the HTTP code and sets the Content-Type as "text/html".
// See
func (c *Context) HTML(code int, name string, obj interface{}) {
c.Render(code, c.Engine.HTMLRender, name, obj)
// Writes the given string into the response body and sets the Content-Type to "text/plain".
func (c *Context) String(code int, format string, values ...interface{}) {
c.Render(code, render.Plain, format, values)
// Returns a HTTP redirect to the specific location.
func (c *Context) Redirect(code int, location string) {
if code >= 300 && code <= 308 {
c.Render(code, render.Redirect, location)
} else {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Cannot send a redirect with status code %d", code))
// Writes some data into the body stream and updates the HTTP code.
func (c *Context) Data(code int, contentType string, data []byte) {
if len(contentType) > 0 {
c.Writer.Header().Set("Content-Type", contentType)
// Writes the specified file into the body stream
func (c *Context) File(filepath string) {
http.ServeFile(c.Writer, c.Request, filepath)
/******** CONTENT NEGOTIATION *******/
type Negotiate struct {
Offered []string
HTMLPath string
HTMLData interface{}
JSONData interface{}
XMLData interface{}
Data interface{}
func (c *Context) Negotiate(code int, config Negotiate) {
switch c.NegotiateFormat(config.Offered...) {
data := chooseData(config.JSONData, config.Data)
c.JSON(code, data)
data := chooseData(config.HTMLData, config.Data)
if len(config.HTMLPath) == 0 {
panic("negotiate config is wrong. html path is needed")
c.HTML(code, config.HTMLPath, data)
data := chooseData(config.XMLData, config.Data)
c.XML(code, data)
c.Fail(http.StatusNotAcceptable, errors.New("the accepted formats are not offered by the server"))
func (c *Context) NegotiateFormat(offered ...string) string {
if len(offered) == 0 {
panic("you must provide at least one offer")
if c.accepted == nil {
c.accepted = parseAccept(c.Request.Header.Get("Accept"))
if len(c.accepted) == 0 {
return offered[0]
} else {
for _, accepted := range c.accepted {
for _, offert := range offered {
if accepted == offert {
return offert
return ""
func (c *Context) SetAccepted(formats ...string) {
c.accepted = formats