FRONT_END_BINARY=frontApp BROKER_BINARY=brokerApp AUTH_BINARY=authApp LOGGER_BINARY=loggerApp MAIL_BINARY=mailApp LISTENER_BINARY=listenerApp ## up: starts all containers in the background without forcing build up: @echo "Starting Docker images..." docker compose up -d @echo "Docker images started!" ## up_build: stops docker-compose (if running), builds all projects and starts docker compose up_build: build_broker build_auth build_logger build_mail build_listener @echo "Stopping docker images (if running...)" docker compose down @echo "Building (when required) and starting docker images..." docker compose up --build -d @echo "Docker images built and started!" ## down: stop docker compose down: @echo "Stopping docker compose..." docker compose down @echo "Done!" ## build_broker: builds the broker binary as a linux executable build_broker: @echo "Building broker binary..." cd ../broker-service && env GOOS=linux CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o ${BROKER_BINARY} ./cmd/api @echo "Done!" ## build_auth: builds the auth binary as a linux executable build_auth: @echo "Building auth binary..." cd ../authentication-service && env GOOS=linux CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o ${AUTH_BINARY} ./cmd/api @echo "Done!" ## build_logger: builds the logger binary as a linux executable build_logger: @echo "Building logger binary..." cd ../logger-service && env GOOS=linux CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o ${LOGGER_BINARY} ./cmd/api @echo "Done!" ## build_mail: builds the mail binary as a linux executable build_mail: @echo "Building mail binary..." cd ../mail-service && env GOOS=linux CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o ${MAIL_BINARY} ./cmd/api @echo "Done!" ## build_listener: builds the listener binary as a linux executable build_listener: @echo "Building listener binary..." cd ../listener-service && env GOOS=linux CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o ${LISTENER_BINARY} . @echo "Done!" ## build_front: builds the frone end binary build_front: @echo "Building front end binary..." cd ../front-end && env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o ${FRONT_END_BINARY} ./cmd/web @echo "Done!" ## start: starts the front end start: build_front @echo "Starting front end" cd ../front-end && ./${FRONT_END_BINARY} & ## stop: stop the front end stop: @echo "Stopping front end..." @-pkill -SIGTERM -f "./${FRONT_END_BINARY}" @echo "Stopped front end!"