Manu Mtz-Almeida 15216a0883 Initial commit
2014-06-18 01:42:34 +02:00
2014-06-18 01:42:34 +02:00
2014-06-18 01:42:34 +02:00
2014-06-18 01:42:34 +02:00
2014-06-18 01:42:34 +02:00
2014-06-18 01:42:34 +02:00
2014-06-18 01:42:34 +02:00
2014-06-18 01:42:34 +02:00

#Gin Web Framework Gin is a web framework written in Golang. It features a martini-like API with much better performance, up to 40 times faster. If you need performance and good productivity, you will love Gin.
Check out the official web site

Start using it


go get

Then import it in your Golang code:

import ""

##API Examples

Create most basic PING/PONG HTTP endpoint

func main() {
    // Creates a gin router + logger and recovery (crash-free) middlwares
    r := gin.Default()
    r.GET("/ping", func(c *gin.Context){
    r.POST("/somePost", posting)
    r.PUT("/somePut", putting)
    r.DELETE("/someDelete", deleting)
    r.PATCH("/somePATCH", patching)

    // Listen and server on

Parameters in path

func main() {
    r := gin.Default()
    r.GET("/user/:name", func(c *gin.Context) {
        name := c.Params.ByName("name")
        message := "Hello "+name
        c.String(200, message)

Grouping routes

func main() {
    r := gin.Default()
    // Simple group: v1
    v1 := r.Group("/v1")
        v1.POST("/login", loginEndpoint)
        v1.POST("/submit", submitEndpoint)
        v1.POST("/read", readEndpoint)
    // Simple group: v1
    v2 := r.Group("/v2")
        v2.POST("/login", loginEndpoint)
        v2.POST("/submit"", submitEndpoint)
        v2.POST("/read"", readEndpoint)

    // Listen and server on

Blank Gin without middlewares by default


r := gin.New()

instead of

r := gin.Default()

Using middlewares

func main() {
    // Creates a router without any middlware by default
    r := gin.New()
    // Global middlwares
    // Per route middlwares, you can add as many as you desire.
    r.GET("/benchmark", MyBenchLogger(), benchEndpoint)

    // Authorization group
    // authorized := r.Group("/", AuthRequired())
    // exactly the same than:
    authorized := r.Group("/")
    // per group middlwares! in this case we use the custom created
    // AuthRequired() middlware just in the "authorized" group.
        authorized.Use.POST("/login", loginEndpoint)
        authorized.Use.POST("/submit", submitEndpoint)
        authorized.Use.POST("/read", readEndpoint)
        // nested group
        testing := authorized.Group("testing")
        testing.GET("/analytics", analyticsEndpoint)
    // Listen and server on

JSON parsing and validation

type LoginJSON struct {
    User     string `json:"user" binding:"required"`
    Password string `json:"password" binding:"required"`

func main() {
    r := gin.Default()
    r.POST("/login", func(c *gin.Context) {
        var json LoginJSON
        // If EnsureBody returns false, it will write automatically the error
        // in the HTTP stream and return a 400 error. If you want custom error 
        // handling you should use: c.ParseBody(interface{}) error
        if c.EnsureBody(&json) {
            if json.User=="manu" && json.Password=="123" {
                c.JSON(200, gin.H{"status": "you are logged in"})
                c.JSON(401, gin.H{"status": "unauthorized"})

XML, and JSON rendering

func main() {
    r := gin.Default()
    // gin.H is a shortcup for map[string]interface{}
    r.GET("/someJSON", func(c *gin.Context) {
        c.JSON(200, gin.H{"message": "hey", "status": 200})
    r.GET("/moreJSON", func(c *gin.Context) {
        // You also can use a struct
        var msg struct {
            Message string
            Status  int
        msg.Message = "hey"
        msg.Status = 200
        c.JSON(200, msg.Status)
    r.GET("/someXML", func(c *gin.Context) {
        c.XML(200, gin.H{"message": "hey", "status": 200})

####HTML rendering

Using LoadHTMLTemplates()

func main() {
    r := gin.Default()
    r.GET("index", func(c *gin.Context) {
        obj := gin.h{"title": "Main website"}
        c.HTML(200, "templates/index.tmpl", obj)

You can also use your own html template render

import "html/template"
func main() {
    r := gin.Default()
    html := template.ParseFiles("file1", "file2")
    r.HTMLTemplates = html

Custom Middlewares

func Logger() gin.HandlerFunc {
    return func(c *gin.Context) {
        t : time.Now()
        // Set example variable
        c.Set("example", "12345")
        // before request
        // after request
        latency := time.Since(t)

func main() {
    r := gin.New()
    r.GET("test", func(c *gin.Context){
        example := r.Get("example").(string)
        // it would print: "12345"

Custom HTTP configuration

Do not use the Run() method, instead use this:

func main() {
    router := gin.Default()
    http.ListenAndServe(":8080", router)


func main() {
    router := gin.Default()

    s := &http.Server{
	    Addr:           ":8080",
	    Handler:        router,
	    ReadTimeout:    10 * time.Second,
	    WriteTimeout:   10 * time.Second,
	    MaxHeaderBytes: 1 << 20,
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